Educational and scientific project

Artificial intelligence (AI) in congenital heart disease (CHD) diagnosis

About the InteliCardio project

InteliCardio is a project based on the basic concept of organizing an educational and scientific project that aims to develop competence and knowledge for healthcare professionals in the emerging possibilities of using artificial intelligence systems to improve the diagnosis of Congenital Heart Defects.

CHD problem

Congenital heart defects (CHD) are malformations of the heart or large blood vessels that occur in a child from birth. They are formed during fetal development, when the heart and blood vessels are developing in utero.

They affect about 1% of babies. They are the second leading cause of death among newborns. 

AI in medicine

The primary goal of the project is to test innovative, independently operating AI-based solutions that will increase the efficiency of detecting CHD in its early stages.

About the foundation

The Children’s Heart Foundation is a leading NGO specializing in helping children with congenital heart defects (CHD).

For almost 20 years, it has been changing the standards of treatment for young patients in our country, largely supporting cardiology and cardiac surgery departments.

Take part in the project

The goal of the training is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand, implement and effectively use artificial intelligence in the WWS diagnostic process in the future.

Prenatal module

Standardization of the method of recording moving sequences of ultrasound images of the heart of the fetus for layered anatomical analysis by manual and automated methods using artificial neural networks.

Neonatology module

Preparation for the practical session, collection of ultrasound data, data analysis using AI, discussion and questioning, feedback and conclusion

Content organizer
Logistics organizer
Project partners​
Technology partners​
Training ​ partners